We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to introduce yourself and tell users about you. You can include a little bit about your professional history, your personal interests, or how this site came to be. Click to edit the text and make it your own.
Our long-term vision
It is our goal to grow the Counselling Hub into a self-sustaining organisation that is built on the premise of the wellbeing economy ethos.
In order to reach this goal we need funds to launch us into the next phase of our development as an organisation. We have provided a wishlist below to help us get there.
Our Wishlist
Paid social media ads
R500 R10 000
Social media helps us reach those who are in need of our counselling services. Help us expand our reach to four more provinces by donating to our marketing budget.
New Premises
R0 R10 000
The Counselling Hub is growing and we're running out of space for our clients, counsellors and staff. We have found the perfect premises for 2023.