We all have a story to share. Here's an opportunity to introduce yourself and tell users about you. You can include a little bit about your professional history, your personal interests, or how this site came to be. Click to edit the text and make it your own.

Welcome to the wellbeing community!
How to join
Collect your wellbeing community card at our address or download it directly onto your phone.
Contribute to the wellbeing economy by participating in various wellbeing activities around Cape Town
Get your card stamped or take a selfie of you completing the activity.
Remember to tag us on social media!
If you have participated in 10 different activities you'll be able to collect your surprise gift.
Access to healthy food, exercise, work and community support are all factors that influence mental health, which is why we’ve formed a wellbeing community to help you attend to your psychological health in more ways than one.
This community consists of several NGO's, that are dedicated to the upliftment of South African communities and their surrounding environment. By participating; you give back to the planet, communities and yourself - helping our country thrive. We’ve provided a list below to get you started on your wellbeing journey. If you are able to participate in all 10 activities below, you’ll get a surprise gift from us.
Care for your mental health
and your community
Attend a free yoga class
Listen to a friend
Start Recycling
Buy fresh produce at a Food garden
Cook a meal for a neighbour or friend
Buy Vintage or donate your clothes
Plant a tree or volunteer
Attend a support group or create one
Pick up litter in your neighbourhood

Find free or affordable classes
Practise active listening
Here's some information to get you started
Find Organisations around Cape Town
Kindness goes a long way
Find slow fashion organisations near you
Find Organisations
Find support groups
Join a community clean up project